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hot 12g


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I finally got my stock 12g DX set up and running... 14 of cured lbs LR from the LFS (they had a great selection). Everything's looking great (just a little bit of ammonia showing so far), except my tank is running way hot.


My house has been at 77 F all day, but my tanks temp has been climbing pretty steadily... right now it just hit 85. I've heard all the complaints about the stock pump being a bad heat generator, so I'm planning on getting it replaced within a week.


So, what advice? Originally I heard that the mini-jet 606 was a good choice (heat-wise) but I've also been reading that a lot of people have been using the maxi-jet 1200. Considering all that extra GPH, does the maxi-jet also run relatively cool?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Holy crap!!!


Last night after work my tank hit 88.9!! I know that's way out of whack, so while waiting for my new fans and pump to arrive, I'm thinking about ordering an ICA chiller or trying to build one myself. Anyone know if these are thermostatically controlled? I'd prefer to keep my temp stable and constant but it seems odd to have a heater and a chiller fighting each other.

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I have heard the MaxiJet 1200 increase heat as well (some people have good results, others are so good - before anyone starts bashing me). I upgraded from the stock pump to the MaxiJet 900 and it decreased my heat by 2 degrees. The tank sits on my desk at work and never goes above 80 - usually stays around 78-79. But I guess it helps that the boss keeps the office at a cool 72 degrees, (older lady going through Menapause). It really all depends where your tank is going to "live".

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I tried the MJ1200 on my tank...I loved the flow but in the 12g chambers...the 40w of heat that MJ1200 exudes is just way too much IMO. You're better off getting 2 smaller pumps like a MJ600, your tank will run cooler--I had the same issues as you did.

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Thanks for all the advice...


I guess a problem I'll face is that with my tank being in my house and my own efforts to keep our heating / cooling bills down our ambient temps currently range from 75 at night and 82 during the day (we were keeping it even warmer). This winter things will shift to 65 during the day and 72 at night.


I have a mini-jet 606 on order and plan on using that for my only pump. Also have two replacement fans coming that should double the flow. I'm thinking about dremeling some slots in the splash guard, right under the two fans, with the hopes that it will increase airflow across the water and thus increase evaporation (without having to keep the lid open... which just isn't acceptable for us in the long term). Anyone done this?


I'm also thinking about arranging one fan blowing in and the other blowing out.

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I have a 24g DX (my temps were up to 86) but some of this might help.


I added 2 CPU fans blowing out at the front side vents. The right one pulls a lot of hot air from the lamps. About 102F.


I added an ICA on Sat. and what an improvement! Temps in the house = 82 - 83. Temps in the tank = 79 - 81! That is with a total of 4 pumps including the stock one. One of the pumps is a Hydor Pico 80gph which is what I use on the ICA. When I added the ICA I also replaced the stock left fan w/ a 60 x 25 fan. That fan and the 2 front ones come on w/ the main lights. The ICA and its fan runs 24/7. I also run the ICA off of a 12vdc supply on a computer PS. I didn't like how hot the 8.4vdc / 2.5amp supply that came w/ the ICA got. If I can smell it it's too hot! :o


The air coming off the ICA fan is 112F.:o


This winter I might play w/ reversing the polarity on the ICA and turn it into an IHA.

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