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Coral Vue Hydros

Pink Macro


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You're most likely overfeeding the tank. That macro and cyano are eating something, and clearly a lot of it.

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Oh, my bad, I just wanted to help, since you have at least FOUR pest algaes (and one nice macro, the neomeris) in the photo and maybe you didn't know. Jeez...Take some advice when you get it, man.

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Let's suppose you posted a picture of your face on a forum about acne identification and asked what kind of pimple you had. Do you think a reply of "I don't know what kind of pimple that is but you need to brush your teeth more and get a new hairstyle", would be a good reply?


Why go out of your way to tell someone something they didn't ask and already knpw?


I'll tell you why, because you want to feel good about yourself. Boost your ego. God knows why posting on a reef forum does this for some people, but I relaize that it does. I could care less if you continue to do it, but when you direct it towards me, expect the same reply.

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maybe they thought that since your tank is so new that you had little experience and were trying to help.

The world isnt out to get you

and being so cynical isnt going to make anyone want to help you.

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i do see some cyano, but the reddish spongy algae i think the original poster is referring to, is actually a different true species of algae.


I have some sprinkled throughout my refugium, likes to grow in little tufts or balls.


sorry, dont have the exact species name, but it can definately spread if nutrients get bad - i had a TINY bit float into my main tank from the fuge and it got embedded in the LR, and now i have to shave that off every few weeks before it grows into a nasty ball of pink algae.


looks like a pink cotton ball to me heh heh. just be careful to not let it spread too far!

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Originally posted by reef 'n ale

Obviously he's a re-re. Maybe he's just a little slow.




I'll spell it if it helps. Here you go...


It's C-Y-A-N-O!.....       A--H-O-L-E!!


Love, Rob


The one he asked about in this forum was the cotton candy, in the other forum the cyano...I don't know if they are the same, but they sure look different to me.


And I know from experience that some people here can sound awefully condecending when offering advice.

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As the previous poster has pointed out, you do indeed need to take reading comprehension classes. Perhaps after you've completed those, you can make another attempt at both humor and patronizing me. Until then, stick to humility.


Originally posted by reef 'n ale

Obviously he's a re-re. Maybe he's just a little slow.




I'll spell it if it helps. Here you go...


It's C-Y-A-N-O!.....       A--H-O-L-E!!


Love, Rob

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Ehrmm... "but the reddish spongy algae i think the original poster is referring to..."


We know this. Did you read any of the posts? It's red hair algae, and it's a sign of too many nutrients in the tank. The other pest algaes--green film, Valonia, and red cyanobacteria--as well as the neomeris--not a pest, but it needs nutrients as well--are further proof of this. Sheesh. Stay out of this damn forum if you don't want people's help.


BOYCOTT! You're not getting any more answers from me; enjoy your impending tank crash.

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Heheh... Re-re.


"What do you think of this desk?"

"It looks like it was built by a re-re."


Clerks cartoon. Priceless.

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