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wood louse looking critter

formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

well here he is. hot pink in color,3/8"long. very slow moving. found him on my lr. at the time he wasn't bothering anything. he moves approx 1/8"per min.- when poked. (like a slug-body stays attached to the rock, even around sharp bends.)

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Originally posted by formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

right on the money angel. thanks. it does have 8 plates/valves.

how big will it get? algae feeder right?


Not sure how big they get, but mine is only about 3/4" in three + years. I don't feed mine, he is always inside or on the rock eating.


Here is how well mine camouflages itself:







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