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Heat Problems In new Nc6


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Whats up guys i have my new nc6 running with lr,sand and the temperature is at like 84.5 degrees!!! I cannot seem to get it down, the heater is unplugged... The thermometer is a coralife digital.. Are these supposed to be calibrated..Please help Asap!! THanks! Ps the lights have been on for about 3-4 hours..

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Try turning off the pumps for a period of time to see if the temps drop. Keep the lights on as a "control".


If the temperature drops when the pumps are off, that is a big indicator that its an overheating pump.


You mentioned before that your moonlights were flickering. Are the fans spinning?


I would contact JBJ tomorrow if you havent contacted them already.




Hope this helps



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I emailed jbj have'nt yet gotten a response.. Ill try unplugging the pump and turning the lights back on for about an hour.. My house is only about 70 degrees..the room the tank is in is warmer than usual.. Im going to try the pump, if it cools down quick i know its a pump..Ill let you guys know!


Edit: The fans are spinning

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Temps of 84/85 or higher seams pretty hot for a stock tank in a house w/AC on.

Any luck with testing the pump by unplugging it?

The stock pump puts out some seriously low flow, so I can see why they get hot.


My nc6 normally runs about 82/83 during the day in my office w/AC on,

but I’m running 72 watts of light, and the night temp is around 80,

because that’s where I set my heater.


I actually never checked tank temps before I modded my nc6,

and I’ve never unplugged my heater to see how low the temps will go,

so maybe your temps are normal for the nc6 with the stock pump.



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Last night with nothing on besides the pump and the room the tank is in was at the highest 72 maybe a little lower, the tank was at 80 degrees... Do you think its the pump???

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Just as a little update and extra insurance the tank is still at a constant 80 without lights and only the pump on...And im still having the moonlights flicker...

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