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My 6 gal Nanocube Pics only 2 weeks old


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Ok, I was messing around with the camera trying to figure out settings, angles and whatnot to get best pics. So here's a few, some good some not :happy: !


Anyway the only mods I did was to replace the stock pump with a Maxijet 600, Lighting (1x18 actinic & 2x18 50/50) and added a Hydor Flo. I used cured LV and Sand,sponge still in chamber 1, LR rubble in chamber 2 and heater and pump in 3. I plan to add macro to the 2nd chamber, just gotta figure what I am going to do for lighting it.


I used the following: http://naturesocean.com/nutri_seawater.htm



Let me tell you, this stuff is great for setting up a small nano. The tank sat for a week and the water params were perfect from day one. So I added my livestock week 2!







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hey I just set up my 6g nano and I am interested in upgrading the lighting by installing 2x 18w pc's. Do you have any additional pics of the modification you made to the hood?

I was thinking about ordering the retro kit from nanotuners...



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Water parameters were probably great because your cycle hadn't started yet. Only 1 week to cycle and you stocked your tank? I would watch your levels very carefully from here on out for about a month or so--especially with that clown in there...but I wouldn't be surprised if it crashed *knocking on wood*.

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hey bro not to flame you or anything...but the first set of pictures were taken on 8/31 and your tank is fully stocked in 2 weeks by 9/7? like rbaby stated your cycle probably didnt start yet thats why your paramaters were perfect from 'day one'. most people here at the most add a cleaner crew by end of the month. btw...get rid of the hydrometer and get a refractometer. hydromemters are notoriously inaccurate.

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Ok I see your point on the cycling thing, but according to 3 different sources at 3 different LFS's because I used the Nutri-Seawater and the Bioactive Live Sand that all should be fine. I did this based on the claim of the manufacturer and yes I know some claims can be BS, but I did this with my Cichlid tank using Biospira. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm willing to give it a try. Won't you all be surprised if it goes well, or will I be surprised if it doesn't. Check the link: http://naturesocean.com/nutri_seawater.htm



Originally posted by f23power

btw...get rid of the hydrometer and get a refractometer. hydromemters are notoriously inaccurate.


Yeh The hydrometer looks like it will be a piece if junk, I had to shake it a couple of times to move the needle.

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If you ask around here, most everybody will tell you to research things yourself and not take information as it is fed to you by either your LFS or the manufacturer.


Biospira is never meant to skip a cycle, it is meant for emergency purposes (ie your tank crashed and you want to save some of your other inhabitants from the ammonia spike). Please research first before plunging into any hobby, you will save a LOT of money by doing it properly.

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rbaby, I appreciate your information and concern. I chose this method based on my success with my cichlid tank, which never had to go through a full cycle, it's now 7 months old and no problems.


Maybe I made a mistake trying this with the saltwater, I'm not sure yet now that I've been "Flamed" :( .


I will keep an eye on the water params daily to make sure. Any other specific info you might want to give, I appreciate. I won't take offense :)

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Originally posted by diverrk

rbaby, I appreciate your information and concern.  I chose this method based on my success with my cichlid tank, which never had to go through a full cycle, it's now 7 months old and no problems.  


Maybe I made a mistake trying this with the saltwater, I'm not sure yet now that I've been "Flamed"  :( .


I will keep an eye on the water params daily to make sure.  Any other specific info you might want to give, I appreciate.  I won't take offense :)


like i said...im not flaming you. i mean some few people have successfully started a tank without cycling. just thought it would be a FYI

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The refrigerated type of bio-spira for FW does work for cycling a new tank. It does exactly as advertised if the product is handled properly from start to finish. I don't know of any other instant cycle products that work very effectively.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya though.

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I used the Natures Ocean Aragonite for an emergency set up on my 24g Cube along w/ Seachem Stability. Slight ammonia spike on day 3 and transfered everything to the tank on day 7. Didn't loose anything.

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