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what the heck is this little feller?


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So I saw this guy as I was exploring my live rock with a flashlight. Sorry the pic came out bad, but my camera is old. It seems like it has the ability to go back into the rock to some extent, but not fully. Lets see what else...it is about 1-1.5 cm wide. blue-greenish circle in the center, purplish outside with 10-20 "tentacles", for lack of a better word or knowledge. Any ideas?



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okay so i went in and touched him and he can definately retract all the way into his hole. Any idea how to get rid of this little feller? I have heard peppermint shrimp can take care of em.


should I just let him live for awhile, or do you think i should get rid of him ASAP. my tank is empty besides the live rock and him sitting on it, but sometime soon I will have some inhabitants!

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in a week or so my tank should be done with its cycle, and I was thinking of adding a peppermint shrimp as my first inhabitant. hopefully he will remove this little sucker and give me something amusing to watch.


does this sound like a good idea, and will work? I plan on having a few soft corals, a clownfish, and maybe a cleaner shrimp. will he cause any problems with future inhabitants?


oh and reef'n'ale, what did you do to your little feller?

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if your tank is still cycling, i would just take the live rock out and try to get rid of it, boiling water, kalk mix,etc. if the rock isnt that big just let the rock dry out until it dies. peppermints are kind of a hit or miss.

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that is out of consideration...there is so much good stuff in this live rock that i want to keep (featherdusters etc.). I think I am going to try the McDonalds Straw removal method tonight. I'll post pictures if it goes well!

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