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Coral Vue Hydros

Help with this hermit


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Ok, so when I first began my clean-up crew three months back I ended up with this still-to-be-identified little guy. Since then he's done very well and doesn't seem to bother anybody. The only peculiar behavior I've seen out of him is that he'll occasionally leave his shell near the crevice of some LR and hide out in that crevice sans shell for about a day. After a day, he'll go about his business again. What is he/she?



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Looks like a Dardanus lagopodes .


COmes from the Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea. Grows to a little over two inches in length. Has white eye stalks, body mottled in maroon, brown, covered with white-tipped bristles.


Reef safe accept for your snails. If it finds a shell it likes it over for your snail LOL!

BTW it is abandoning is shell because it has out grown the one it is currently in, and seeking out a new larger home.


Place a few larger emties in there and he will take up in one and leave your snails alone.


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