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White wormy beehive looking things????


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I apologize for the picture quality. I'm not good at taking pictures of my tank yet:) I have several pieces of rock that have recently sprouted these hive looking things. They are white, and appear to have a little feather duster or something sticking out of them. They are multiplying like crazy. Id help please!

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From: piotr (Mon 7 Feb 18:04:29 2005)

It is called "pineapple sponge" and it belongs to the genus Scypha (or maybe Leucilla). It is totally harmless filter feeder, as far as I know. I haven't seen many of these(usually in shadow area, behind live rock), but my friend has a lot of them in his aquarium, growing in small colonies in shadowed areas of high water flow. His aquarium thrives. They are not harmful (unless they die). Please check reefcentral.org forum for Scypha or pineapple sponge (or Q-tip sponge) for more info. I hope this helps.




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