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What is this stuff?


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bring it to the light ! you might be able to revive it. If not, scrape it out or else it will really pollute your tank. Ever smell a dead coral ?

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I didn't think dead coral polluted your tank.  Some live coral smells bad too.  Also have you ever smelled good live rock out of water?  That smell is the bacteria isn't it?  I was under the impression that dead coral would do all but take up space and add calcium to your tank.  I may be confused though.  Correct me if I am.



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never mind...closer pictures show that it's dead. All that's left is the calcium skeleton. If all this tissue is already gone then you can leave it in the tank.

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It's a skeleton.  I had the exact same thing.   I re-arranged my tank so it would be in the light, but it didn't do anything.  It's dead.  Sorry.

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dead coral prolly wont polute your tank if it has been dead for some time. If it died recently though....Whoa Nelly she can stink! and they will destroy water quality quickely.


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