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Innovative Marine Aquariums

What kind of plant /algae is this?


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This stuff has been growing ever since I added a emerald crab to my tank. Does anyone know what the bright green plants are, and what species of bubble algae I have growing on the right side of the rock. Seems like the emerald crab ignores both plants.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Chris

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From the angle you shot the picture in, the bright green plants look like halimeda, while your bubble algae is Ventricaria ventricosa. HTH

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I'd be most concerned about that hair algae... Halimeda is a beneficial calcareous algae, while bubble is easy to roll off the rocks...Hair, though, is a sign of way too many nutrients in the tank, as well as possibly old bulbs. (>6mo for fluorescent of any kind.)

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