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Coral Vue Hydros

Oh My GOD........ What Is IT


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heh...no no no, you definitely do not want to be feeding it. it is a pest anenome and will wipe out ur tank. buy some joe's juice or make kalk paste and inject into the mouth w/ a needle and syringe

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Originally posted by Joseph14

Are you Seriouse if it Gets cut Ill Be Stuck whith Hundreds of Them?



daaang That SUCKKKKKKS!!!


Yeah, like mickey mouse and the broom.


Kill it asap!



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I took the piece of live rock mine was living on out of the tank, got a lighter, fried the little sucker for a few minutes, scrubbed him off the rock with a toothbrush and freshwater. Down the drain he goes!


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Get peppermint shrimps. They love aptasia. I tried to inject & they kept multiplying. I had 3 in my 1G peco tank. Put a shrimp in there & the aptasia was gone in 2 days so I left him in the tank in case any more pop up..

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Pinrod Urkish

I have a Pepermint shrimp (3yrs old knock on wood). Always keeps one aptasia alive I guess for a treat, w/e he does his job and that All I ask from him.

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damn I wish i could keep one alive for that long, I have had 3 and they all lived about 6 months then die. I do my WCs and they most, who knows, but they really do keep the aptisia to nothin, I'm gonna get another to get rid of the few I have.


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IF you get a pep. shrimp make sur eit is WILD CAUGHT. Captive bred pep's wont touch it because it has never been a staple in thier diet.

Wild pep's eat is as a part of thier natural diet.

BTW it IS DEFINATELY an aptasia.

Pep. shrimp, kalk paste, hot lemon juice usualy dose the trick.

Joes juice is hot garbage though. IMO.

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Yeah, inject it with some boiling water or kalk paste. Syringe.

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Most all captive bred pepermint shrimp will not eat aptasia. ALL wild caught pepermint shrimp will "usualy" eat aptasia. This is because it is a natural part of thier diet in the wild. Captive bred pepermint shrimp dont know wat to do with aptasia because the have always eaten left over fish food and such. Also, it depends on the shrimp as to wether or not it will eat larger apatasia. Most will only go after the smaller ones.

Inject the aptasia with hot lemon juice. I promise you it will kill it.

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