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Cultivated Reef



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This little critter has been growing out of my rock for about 2 months now. Haven't found anyhting like it yet. Any ideas?


I am aware of the names for the algae selection.

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Caesar, where did you find that pic? Sure looks to be what I have though I only have a single stalk. That one piece of live rock seems to have every known type of algae in it, every week something else starts growing.

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Saw the pic while researching...I saw it on "The Algae Page"...would never have found it since I was thinking it was some type of tube worm. Thanks again.

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Yup, starts as a single stalk. That's a photo of a large wild colony. My lfs has it in their sps tank, and they tend to grow singly and a few inches apart, never all clumped like that photo. BUT they could be manually removing them. Not a big problem, I'd think.

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From what I read after Caesar identified it is that its totally harmless, photosynthetic and since its stalk is calcerous(sp?) a decent indicator of good clacium levels. Also read that they come and go, originate in the Pacific, are from shallow water and supposedly only get to an inck long (mines longer). Kinda reminds me of the water creature in the movie Abyss, like it!

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