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Striped/banded worm, not bristleworm


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I saw this at my LFS in their huge tank, and I was wondering what it was. I'm not sure if I'm remembering the colors correctly, but here is a rough sketch.


It looks like a long, slim, 5 inch worm with a fan tail.

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Wow..You sure? Crazy to confuse that with a worm, no offense. :flower:

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Huh? I still think it looks like a worm. I mean, it has the same shape and body style as a worm. (long and thin)


It sure doesn't look like a fish...

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Well, does it have eyes, gills, fins? Pipefish look a lot different than worms.

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Well, I didn't see it up close, so I have no idea about gills and such. The only fin like thing I saw was on the tip of its tail, but it didn't register to me as a fin.


I never even knew there were eel/worm shaped fish like that, so I think worm was a natural newbie assumption. :P

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They crawl too. and bury them selves from time to time tail 1st.

BTW you do know that you have to feed that pipe fish NEWLY hatche dbrine shrimp and LIVE rotefiers right? Also requires med to low lighting, low current ect ect, basicly the exact oposite of every thing in your reef.

That poor little guy is gonna croak on ya I am affraid. They are VERY VERY delicate and only for advanced aquarists.

( been keeping them for years now and breeding them my self)

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I'm sorry I did nt read the part that said " I saw this at my LFS" !! LOL!

BTW they do NOT need a big tank at all. They do better in smaller tanks as a matter of fact. I take that back SOME species need a big tank, most do not.

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Yup...But they still take a LOT of special care.

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