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new setup help


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-i got a 7 gallon minibow


- ten pounds of bio-activ live aragonite sand

- 125 penguin bio-wheel

- 50 watt tronic heater


my question is about lighting what kind should i get?

all i got now is the 14watt it came with


also is the bio-wheel any good for a nano

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Uhm. Depends a lot on what sort of things you want to keep in the tank.


Softies require less lighting than LPS and SPS and they're much easier to keep. If you haven't read Tullock yet he's got several suggested lighting setups for various sorts of tanks with various sorts of critters.


Recommend that you do a search on lighting' (be careful how you spell it...You'll, uhm...See why if you spot a message from me in that search) and see what other folks are using in a tank your size for what kinds of critters.



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check out:




gilman (link #1) upgraded those standard lights you have to a 32w retrofit


stryfe (link#2) gutted a jbj hood and modified it to fit 2x32w retros


as for the jbj (http://jbjlighting.com/sys_formosa.html), the 17" model would fit perfectly over your minibow 7. This would require ditch the hood that came with your tank and make "open top." the jbj houses 2x24w


i really suggest you visit the two sites. both gil and stryfe have really nice tanks and it'll give you a good idea what each member keeps under their respective lighting choice.


i almost forgot fishguyis's tank, another 32w retrofit


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