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Coral Vue Hydros

My New Seahorses Are Here! Yeah!!!


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:D I am so happy now!! I recieved 7 dwarf seahorses and one pipe fish today!!! (Along with aroun 50 ricordea, 50 hermits and 25 astreas! LOL!)

Here are just three of them! I cant see the others yet to take a pic. They are hiding and adjusting to there new home. (5.5g tank)




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um you are aware seahorse don't do well in reef tanks right? especially dwarfs. if you're gonna keep them in there i would keep a very very close eye on them especially around that euphyllia

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Oh please! I have been keeping seahorses since the 70's!


I used to order them from comic book companies with proofs of purchase.

I have a fish hatchery right down the road form me wher eI can get fresh hatched brine , adult brine, and rotifiers ENRICHED.


Your preaching to the quire brother.


BTW, NO hermits in that seahorse tank ;) only astrea snails.

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Choir? Heh.


Just watch out for bristleworms if you have live rock in there. They took out my colony.

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My eyes aren't what they used to be, but that appears to be a stuck-on background, not actual corals. :P

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one 26w 6.5k quad pc. penguim mini set on the lowest setting with a sponge filter on the intake tube.

5.5g tank, heater. live sand, 4 astrea snails, 7 seahorses and one pipe fish. Tank was set up for two months beforehand awaiting its new arrivals.

All levels are zero. Tank temp is 78deg constant.


Only the truest of fools would house real coral and dwarf seahorses in the same tank.

Only one small piece or tonga branch that I soake din fresh water for 15 minute befor I placed it in ther TWO MONTHS ago.

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Originally posted by Caesar777

My eyes aren't what they used to be, but that appears to be a stuck-on background, not actual corals. :P



hummm....you might just have something there. lol!!

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Sounds great. Dwarves are tough little guys....And so darn cute! :love:

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Did I say they were real? ;)


They are indeed VERY tough little bastages for sure!

Easy to keep compared to erectus.


"Choir" Never said I could spell either!! LOL!!

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I think I see his tail in the first pic. No hope for the second one, lol! (Where are my reading glasses?! :D )

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Well, I saw that scolymia and thought, "Oh no!", but looked closer, and, heh...Realized it wasn't real. Saw my cynaria eat a snail, and I think a dwarf isn't much quicker! ;)

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Like I said man, only a true moron would house dwarf seahorse and coral in the same tank! LOL!!

The poor little boogers would latch on to rest and become lunch!!!

I think that back ground looks nice though. Makes for more depth having pictures I think?


BTW the pipe fish is in the lower left side of that bunch of macro in the 2nd pic. you can just see his tail and thats all! LOL!!

MASTERS of camoflauge!

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Definitely. Even larger horses are questionable with corals, but dwarves, no question!


I like the background.


I'm still not sure if I see that pipefish in the second pic. ;)

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Wow... I STILL can't see it! ;) (That first one..Dang!)

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Ohh, he's adorable! :love: Where'd you get these from? (Don't need a name, just curious as to whether it was an online store, LFS, diver, or someone who specializes in breeding/catching dwarves and similar.)

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No I have no problem giving you his name.

I send him as much business as I can, in return he gives me stuff, and sells to me DIRT CHEAP. Seriously dirt cheap LOL!

Dana Cramer Cramerdana@aol.com

tell him Duane sent you!

He is located in Tavernier FLA. one of the key islands.

great guy! Dives, propogates all him self. Works for TOms caribbean corals on the side ( his cousin).

Give him a shout!

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