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Coraline on live rock


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looks like hydroids. oh and if you right click on your pic in the gallery, copy it and put it after [ i m g ] with no spaces and then end it with [/ i m g ]again with no spaces

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Thanks. Got the image to work ;)


What exactly are hydroids? The one's in the pic I'm refering to are the red blobish thing in the middle of the picture (sorry for the image quality, but I'm not a very good photographer).

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looks like cyanobacteria to me, though i cant tell the texture from the pic. coralline is the purple, some macroalgae is the green, the red, it's really hard to tell. can you get another pic? turning pumps off and cleaning glass will help get a crisp shot.



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They are hydroids. (See the oral discs?) Not sure about the non-stinging, though... Most, if not all, hydroids pack quite a potent sting, harmful to corals. I'd try to research how to get rid of them, though it's quite difficult.

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