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Unknown Algae, Caulerpa?


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Hello, I have just set up a new 12 gallon tank (3 weeks ago) and I have noticed some algae growth. Hopefully it isn't anything that is a problem. It's only growing on one rock, so if it's something bad I'll just pull that rock. Anyhow here's a pic...

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kinda depends what you mean by bad. caulerpa is noxious and releases chemical growth inhibitors in aquariums.



"Other than the Caulerpa going sexual what are the other disadvantages of Caulerpa refugiums?


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Yes, it's Caulerpa taxofolia, the cause of a LOT of problems in the Medeterranian and parts of the Caribbean. Quite toxic, fast-growing, roots like to choke other plants, corals, benthic inverts....

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I've read some mixed opinions on caulerpa, some claiming it to be safe others swearing that it is a serious nuisance, so I decided to err on the side of caution, and remove the rock on which it grew. I hope it does not show up anywhere else, but i figured that if it was present elsewhere that it would have budded at the same time.


Anyhow, thanks for the help

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Better to take it out. Still, a tiny bit isn't a problem at all. Just keep it under control.

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