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Unknown Algae, Caulerpa?


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Hello, I have just set up a new 12 gallon tank (3 weeks ago) and I have noticed some algae growth. Hopefully it isn't anything that is a problem. It's only growing on one rock, so if it's something bad I'll just pull that rock. Anyhow here's a pic...

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I've tried looking at pictures of Caulerpa, but there seem to be a lot of varieties. I Couldn't really tell what I have.


Also, There are more than one stalks (maybe eight others), this is just the biggest and the easiest to take a pic of. Should I dispose of the rock (its about 2-3lbs or so), or should I scrub it? Like I said its not growing anywhere else yet, so maybe I should just nip it at the bud and throw it out. Any Suggestions?

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Yeah, looks like Caulerpa taxofolia, "fern algae", some call it, or "feather caulerpa".


Just pluck it off the rock, and make sure to get the bits of roots. Should be easy to control, though tough to completely eradicate, but it won't get out of control if you stay on top of it.

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