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Innovative Marine Aquariums

WTT:36' JBJ 2x 96w PC fixture.For skimmer


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Did you not read the title at all you dumb @$$. 36". There is no way it is 36'.

The ' symbol stands for feet.

The " symnbol stands for inches.


my work here is done...

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I'm confused.. You want to trade a 36" 2x96watt PC fixture for a 10gal light fixture? What type of 10gal light fixture?

I'll PayPal you $65 tonight if you'll ship the 36" JBJ to 07950, NJ.

That should buy you a decent 10gal PC light. ;)



bravoreefer: Instead of wasting everyone's time posting ridiculously uncalled-for posts, why not say nothing at all? There is no need for posts like that. Have a little decency. If you're looking for a place to lash out at people like an idiot, try some meaningless punk-teen forums; this is clearly not the place. Reef_Mad_Man was right about you.

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