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Is this crab GOOD or BAD for a reef setup? Pics...


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I saw this hitchhiker crab yesterday in a crevice.

He only comes out when its dark.


He is brown in colour and has quite big claws for his size.

His claw tips are very dark brown.

He is mostly brown all over with some darker patches.

He has these light brown spike all over him as well.

I saw him today on my star polyps as soon as the lights wen out.


Is he bad for the reef or not?


I am holding him in a small container until he is correctly identified as either being good or bad.





PS he is only 1.5cm across.


(Edited by Sahin at 3:55 pm on June 1, 2002)

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It looks like a Hairy Crab to me. I had one in a FOWLR and he would take swipes at my fish. Could be a potential nuisance.

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If I had to post a pic of a naughty crab that would be it!

seriousely though all crabs can be naughty, watch him for a while and if he becomes naughty get him out. I have found target feeding hitchiker crabs usually keeps em pretty well behaved......sometimes

othertimes You gotta take 'em out!!


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judging by its claws, it is a predatory shamefaced hairy reef crab. they can be ambushers, but for the most part are carion eaters... I could be wrong.. there are thousands of crab species . Id removehim unless the tank has large fish.

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not true ive kept these crabs in forty gallon reef for years they dont eat corals and would only eat fish if it was on its death bead already

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i find most often they don't eat corals they eat shrimp and other crabs. I never have seen one eat a fish that wasn't already dead. But I have witnessed a 1.5" hairy crab eat a 2" Mithrax sculptus, Oh man the carnage! Just ripped him apart leg by leg starting with the claws. alittle discovery channel in my living room!


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I am afraid to put the little bugger back into the tank.

I am wondering whether he may start killing my hermits/eating the corals.


See, I found him on top of the star polyps.


So, since I might be going to the LFS today, I thought I will give it to them.


Thanks for your help.

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Well, I went to the LFS and gave it to them.

They most likely its not reef safe and took the little bugger.  They then put it in thier display tank.

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they told you it was not reef safe then placed it into thier display????? Good luck to that LFS.


Sahin: you prolly made the right descision, he wasn't that cute anyway why take the chance right?

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