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Coral Vue Hydros

What the heck?


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only a few for now. Do they reproduce quickly? My tank will be unsupervised for the next 10 days, I will be out of town.

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Yea, they do reproduce quickly. I used flatworm exit and strategically sucked a few out, however mine seemed to be photosynthetic?. Worked great but there were always the few that straggled along. What really killed mine was purchasing a 150watt halide over my nano tank...fried every last sucker

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Not a flatworm, though I'm not sure what it is. Does it have a whole lot of stringy deals coming off its body? It may be some type of Medusa worm. I had some (still have a few), never caused any harm as far as I know.

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yes that is a flatworm. there are white ones as well that are a bit larger and are said to eat the red ones. the red ones can iritate corals so just be on the lookout for more.

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Curious if you have a larger, more detailed shot... Maybe cut out the worm only?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Flat worm. Had two tanks full. Used flatworm exit. No more. I had some straglers as well. I turned the lights out on the tank and used a light on one corner so they gathered there to be in the light and used a turkey baster on the last few.

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If your tank is absolutely saturated witrh them then flat worm exit is not the way to go. When they die the release a toxin which can foul the tank and QUICK! Crashing it.

Use the turkey baster 1st, then afte ryou have thinned them out significantly use Fltat worm Exit.

better safe than sorry with that stuff.

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