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Cultivated Reef

wormy thing in rock


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at night this huge worm thing comes out of my fiji rock, it looks like an earth worm with raelly long segments what is it, about 6"< how could I post a pic on the thread?

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Sounds like a bristle worm.

Posting pics:

CLick "edit" in your last post.

Scroll down until you see "attatch file"

CLick browse and locate it on your drive then submit reply.

Or post the ulr it is located in in the comments section with out attatching anything ( Comments section = reply box)

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it's not a bristle worm, it has no bristles, I have those in my Lr too, should I get rid of them? I recently read a thread saying that only bristleworms from the atlantic were bad

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No, bristleworms from anywhere are fine, IF they're really bristleworms. There ARE coral-eating worms out there, but they're much less common than our common orange bristleworms. By your description, it's in the same family. That's all anyone can say without a pic.

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Pic isn't showing. Just post the url, and I (or anyone else) can post it for you.

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I accidentally deleted them I'll get a pic tonight. sorry. not sure if I could get a pic of thebristleworms again, I got lucky with that one caught in my side cleaner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey Firefish i have what i think is the exact same worm the thing is long and it sorta hovers over the rock and finds stuff to eat i can see right through mine and can even see the digestion seams to now be causing any problems as he hasnt destroyed any coral or other things by him illsee if i can post a pic tonight he hasnt been out all day

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