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Update On Teen Reefer's Reef


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hey guys, heres an update on my reef. Ive been haveing a bad algea problem latly as you can easily tell, but its been gettingbetter, belive it or not it was ten times worse last week but i got snails last week too so they have done good work to the algea im going to get more tomorrow hopefully. the condy is new i got that last week, all the params are fine. only prob is the only lights i have on the tank right now is a 2X9 watt. im planning on going the el-cheapo way from homedepot and getting 2 screw in powercompact daylight bulbs. yes yes i know flame me all you like. but its only a temp solution till christmas period when i get a bit of money and ill buy a 36 watt strip light or sumthing of that nature. im not gonna keep anything beyond softies. beside softies look cooler than sps imo, because i mean people look at an acoropora and go hey man thats a cool rock but i think its covered in algea its got that funky color on it. while as a xenia girls go oh cool baby, is that thing moving grooovy! oh well thats just my opinion. anyways tell me what u think. there are 2 damsels in there also but i think they are hideing at the moment.

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ah what the hell ill throw me cute lil fishy in here too theres another one of these lil guys in here, their names are harry and barry, they were named after my girlfriend. yes godforbid the horny teen reefer has a girlfriend, lets all pray for her.




P.S. can anyone ID him? i know hes a damsel but im not sure what type......

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Nish, get yourself a lettuce nudibranch for the hair. Also, algone seems to help control it too. seeing as their isn't much in your tank yet, toothbrush that hair now before it gets out of control.

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Originally posted by Crakeur

seeing as their isn't much in your tank yet, toothbrush that hair now before it gets out of control.

Yup....that would be a good idea...



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hehe been there done that the problem is all the nasty lil bits of it gets on the sand bed and never goes away id rather my snails eat it up. btw i got another 19 watts of screw in PC 6500k light today plus 4 more snails, one of them is huge like an inch accross.


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In my tank my snails are only good for a few things. One of them is knocking things over. Another is making more snails. None of my snails seem to eat algae. I do see my nassarius and bumble bee snails every so often but they are buried in the sand doing the detritus thing.


Lettuce nudi is the only critter I have seen that really eats the hair. Sally lightfoots are supposed to as well but the one I put in my tank either died or is painfully shy.

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well as far as i see my turbos and maragaritas are eating the algea very well. i think ill get a tiny patch of gsp tomorrow. i hope my snails start chowin down fast. tomorrow my lfs is getting a huge shipment in (50 odd corals and 100 odd fish) and they siad hte prices would go down for many things. and ah ###### this sucks i knew it would happen sooner or later, but not this soon. my light just broke :(! i guess ill have to go return it for a new one tomorrow. i think it may have overheated.


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Hey Crakeur, since you have one, I thought I might ask you...How are those lettuce nudis? They ae entirely reef safe right? And Are they like cucmbers??Meaning, that if they die, they lewt off some sort of toxin in the tank which will kill everything? Ive been trying to look up info on these guys but havent been too successful.


Also, are these lettuce nudi's really good with hair algae? Because, some people say that snails are good with hair algae and I have had no luck. I dont have too bad of a hair algae problem but Im trying to get it under control before it gets out of hand...And one last question, Is hair algae all that the lettuce nudi eats? Because what if the little guy depletes all my hair algae...does he sift on the substrate too? ANy comments would be helpfull...thanks.

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well guys sincew yesterday the extra four snails i got have helped out ALOT! i duinno why snails arent workin for sum of ya but its workin well for meee! now to get rid of this detstrus crap......


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  • 3 weeks later...

what? no comments? im offended! hmph... well heres my new torch i got today fer only 40 bux! im just a lil cooncerned, shouldnt the polyps be a lill more thicker, if u know what i mean? i mean they look a bit stringy or is this just ebcause its been in the tank for a couple of hours? will it puff up in a little while?thanks


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Rock Anemone

VERY NICE!!! I like it a lot, neat moon light!!!


I'm interested in a Clown Wrasse and wnated some peoples opinions. Are they reef safe? Will they eat my snails and hermits??? It would be in a 75 gallon Reef Tank.



Rock Anemone:D

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heres a pic of the new lamp i got yesterday, its a corralife 28 watt delux aqualamp 20 inch aluminum striplight i t really adds sum colou to the tank. it can also support a 32 watt csl smartlamp bulb just as well as the retrofit but cheaper! i got this thing for only 40 bux not bad imo! came with a 50-50 bulb

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