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Totally Unknown Creature


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Ok the only thing I can tell you is that he is from the gulf of carribbean. Has a proboscius no radula is grey with little white things that come out of his back like gills. He does not have a hard shell. His hole body is soft, (originally he looked like a cowrie)

But he does move aroung like other gastropods. Any clues?

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Ya i know what he is, but i can't remember the name of them LOL. I'm looking for your right now... LOL... I hate semester close, as i have trouble remembering my own name! If I remember correctly it is under Opisthobranchia. They are almost a cross between a snail and a sea slug. If I remember correctly I think I read that they have shells UNDER their skin...?-but I need to check on that. There was a GREAT article on them in an aquarium mag back in '95 or '96 (if anyone here saves things like that) -the only reason i know that is because it is laying on my bedroom floor at home, i pulled it off my shelf when i was there for thanksgiving break... LOL. They feature some REALLY pretty ones, white with bright green spots! -still looking on-line for something for you...


Sorry, no luck with the common name. It should be an opistho. Probably a Cephalaspidea of some sort. Here is a pic that looked a lot like yours that I ran across when looking for a common name (the color similarities was just an accident -most are quite colorful):


-this guy is a Diaphanidae...


Ok, ok.... now after all my searching i told my roomie that I was looking for a 1/2 snail 1/2 slug like thing that was like a "Bubble something..." After a few seconds he replied a 'bubble shell,' like a cephalaspidea? Which was exactly what I had been looking up the common names for with no avail.... and it instantly click in my memory... What you have IS most certainly commonly refered to as a 'bubble shell.' The deal is these guys have a "semi" shell. They are less calcified and less hard than a regular shell, and not a true shelless opisthobranch like a nudibranch. OMG! That was eating at me, as you can probably tell from the long post and my rantings thought it (helps that I'm COMPLETELY wired on caffeine right now)... Well here is a more colorful pic of what i was looking for:


Hope this helps you out... Sorry the idea that I couldn't remember something's common name was KILLING me. I knew the taxonomy though X) !

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Possibly an Opisthobranchia of some kind. Not sure though, as most Opisthobranchia are brightly colored. Maybe from the family Haliotidae . Gonna see if I can find the specific species for you. Generally I would keep a sharp eye on him until you find out exactly what it is. No telling what it might decide to consume.

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Still no telling what he will consume even if you nail down his genus! These guys can be farily unpredictible, unless you know the species... Many feed on sponges, some on corals, and some on algae. I wouldn't chuck him, but I would watch him very closely. P.S. if you can see him eat ANYTHING in your tank, it is very likely that he will ONLY cosume this. They are not like peps which have unpredictable appaties. They are usually specialists, which will feed solely on one thing or another -which is one of the reasons we have such a low success rate in keeping these little guys!

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he seems to pay special attention to two particular sponges. Well one is a little yellow sponge the other is white and looks like it can wither be a sponge or a colonial tunicate. Probally the sponge though. He will sit on top of one only at night and the same one several nights in a row. When it is about hafl gone he moves to the other and hangs out there for a while. When he decideds to move back his first hang out has had a chance to regenerate itself. I have never seen him near any corals at all just these two very different types of sponges. The yellow is an encrusting the white a little ball (it actually looks like a little glassy marble) I tried taking a pic of him in the tank but as soon as the lights came on he started making a be line for cover. My little web cam can't handle movement.

Well if he is only going to eat those two little sponges that he is always hanging out on the I don't have a problem with that. He seems to know that those are his only choices so he never eats all of it and gives them a chance to regrow. But I will definatley pay closer attention to what he hangs around when I see him. Also he doesn't come out every night. just two or three nights a week.

In any case thank you for the help. And Printer Down Dont feel bad about drawing a brain Freeze on the common name I am in the middle of finals as well so I am feeling the mental over load as well. Or what we call in my organic chem class, TMS= temporary mental struggle/shutdown ( which ever applies at the time.

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Well if he is only going to eat those two little sponges that he is always hanging out on the I don't have a problem with that. He seems to know that those are his only choices so he never eats all of it and gives them a chance to regrow. But I will definatley pay closer attention to what he hangs around when I see him. Also he doesn't come out every night. just two or three nights a week.

If only humans would show the same intellect.

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I saw a cool snails site witha guy that has snails that only eat sponges. he got one GIANT sponge and it and it grows enough to feed to snail. I have to agree with grazer. Gastropods ain't that smart. It would take millions of years of evolution to get somthing to evolve to live in a nano. I think your best chance would be to cross the genes of your little critter and calista flockheart.

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No that is not him fist off he is nt from the indo pacific. Secondle dont limpest have a fully calcified shell. This guy doesn't as mentioned before he has that semi shell, an actual shell is not present but merely a hardented outer body. This guy cam in on gulf rock.

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