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New Nano Reef Polls Posted!

Christopher Marks

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Christopher Marks

The new polls area is now open. Go to www.nano-reef.com/polls/ to check out the current polls and vote. A few of them are old polls that appeared previously in the forums, and I felt would be good to keep active.


Some will be statistics, some will just be for fun. Check the page often as polls will be added every few weeks.

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How about having some polls on the following.


1. Which Ca supplement.

2. Tank pH

3. Sand bed depth for nanos <30g

4. Best snails for nano

5. Best hermits (none)

6. Who sells the best LR for budget price (small quantities)

7. Easiest SPS to keep in a PC lit nano

8. Most unusual coral in nano

9. Best fish for 10g

10. Worst fish for 10g

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Only problem with some is they are popularity contest, and do not give a good accurate idea of what is correct, AND there can be multiple answers.

I reccomend around 14 differnt species of snails. ther is no single one best.


I thought it was great when ya showed me it in the test phase.

lets se what kind of results we get.:)

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These are opinion polls. No one is pretending that they are anything else and, YES, I can give a single answer to all these questions because its just my personal preference.

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Christopher Marks

Yes, the whole purpose of these polls is to show nano reef keeper's opinions. Much of this hobby is based off of other's experiences and recommendations. Hopefully this way we will be able to see a clear view of current trends in the hobby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey chris, good poll. i really like it. this made it a lot more clearer to my questions. a lot of times i ask questions about what others have and why they do what they do and compare that to the data i have searched and found online and in other's links. it helps me decide on what i want to do with my nano reef. its a really good idea.

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oh also forgot to mention this on the previous note. you can also input the salinity of our tanks. it would clear that one up too. just a suggestion. =)

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about some brand specific stuff? like what brand thermometer, HOB, etc. Seems like a lot of new threads start w/ "What brand.....should I get?"

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how about

"how much have you spent on this hobby?"

"how much have you spent in the last year?"


"if you were stuck on a desserted island and could have all the aquarium equipment and live stock you wanted but would have to live there with DJM, ESPI, and I would you do it? or try to live without fish. btw this island isn't sorounded by water. so there is no sea life."

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hey rupert,


what is that? some kind of sick 'Survivor-thing'? :P


how about a poll on types of lighting? (NO, VHO, MH, PC, combo, etc.)


types of filter (if at all)?


fish or no fish, invert-only?


water changes, frequency if done and quantity?

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