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Clown goby w/ strange small bumps


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Came home tonight and found that my little clown goby has some small bumps on his fins and body. I've had no luck getting a pic of them, I'll describe as best I can and hopefully someone may be able to help.

The spots are the same colour as the goby, nearly the size of a grain of salt or sugar, scattered irregularly over his body on both sides and definitely raised. There are also a few places where he looks like he's lost some colour and is paler than usual. He isn't breathing hard, is still very interested in eating (though picky, always has been), behaving normally - perching, not hiding, swimming around and doesn't look too bothered by the spots, though I did see him flash once.

I'm going to do some research on SW fish disease, but thought I'd post here in case this is something easily recognized and/or treatment is needed immediately.

I did a 20% water change (was due tomorrow anyway) and checked parameters, everything checks out - NH3/NO2 0, NO3 5, PO4 0, SG 1.025, 8dKH, Ca 400, temp 82F.

It looks to me like it might be a parasite, and I don't think anything in the tank could have hurt him, but just in case, the other inhabitants are: a Lubbock's fairy wrasse, 2 scarlet hermits, 9 snails, Xenia, GSP, mushrooms and zoanthids.

TIA for any help.



Okeedokee, just did a lot of searching and I think it's plain old marine ich. When the daylight bulb turned off and I looked at the goby under the actinics, he looked much paler - he's lost a lot of colour, I guess the poor little guy is really stressed out :( My wrasse looks fine, thankfully.

Everything I've just read has left me a bit confused - some say a cleaner shrimp and garlic in the food is enough, others say it's hopeless unless you remove to a QT and treat with copper and/or hyposalinity... I just can't rip this tank apart again, not unless I absolutely have to, and without removing at least some of the rock there's probably no way I'll catch him. I've been feeding the goby food soaked in organic garlic all along, I'd like to try keeping a cleaner shrimp anyway so maybe now's the time to pick one up and hope the goby will accept it's services. I'll try to keep stress at a minimum, water quality as high as possible and see if I can get a variety of foods soaked in garlic and vitamins into the little guy. Hopefully he'll kick it on his own, if not... *sigh* I'll resign myself to trying to catch him and setting up a hospital tank.

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Thanks for the links :)

I took a good look at him this morning, his colour is back! Looks he's got a few single raised scales - almost as if he got hurt somehow. I believe I was wrong last night, it's not ich - it just doesn't quite match all the pics and descriptions I've found. The first link describing the condition as lymphocysts actually matches much better and makes more sense to me since my wrasse is completely fine. I found a few posts here that show pics looking exactly like my goby, seems like this condition is fairly common with these fish.

I'm going to try to feed well (hard with these little guys though), soak foods in vitamins and fresh garlic juice and keep stress down as much as I can. Hopefully whatever it is will clear up.

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