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Yup! They do that when they get larger. It is ALWAYS a good idea to have larger empty snail shells in the tank for them to grow into.

Otherwise you have found ou twhat they will dofor a new home! LOL!

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Yeah... That's why I have scarlets. They keep the same shells for the longest time, and pick up empty ones instead of killing snails.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Reefer Addict
Originally posted by Reef_Mad_Man

WRONG. Scarlet hermit crabs are meaner than bluelegged.


Not from my experience. I had a ton of each in my old 120g tank. To my horror the Crips (bluelegged crabs) desimated all of the Bloods (Scarlet crabs) within a short period of time..

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Originally posted by Reef_Mad_Man

WRONG. Scarlet hermit crabs are meaner than bluelegged.


??? i'm not entirely sure how one could test the temperament of a hermit crab...but if someone finds a fool-proof plan, please lmk. :D

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Reef_Mad_Man, by your posts I can tell that you don't have much experience--scarlets are much more "polite" than bluelegs, by FAR.

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IME, the scarlets are much more docile then the blue leg. Now, the Mexican red leg can be more aggressive then the scarlets, but still not as aggressive as the blue.

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All CRABS are annoying, yes. Scarlet hermits are the only crabs I'd keep, and even they're questionable. (Okay, MAYBE boxers or porcelains, but the former I haven't kept with corals, and I'll bet they're pickers.)

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I must not have scarlet then.? It is red, a little fuzzy but not like the plane jane red hermits though. Dont get me wrong, blue legged hermits are pretty mean wwhen they get large in size, BUT Red leg hermits will take over a snails shell. ALL crabs will. It is thier nature.

BTW I have been reef keeping for more than ten years there smarty.

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Reefmadman, scarlets are smooth and solid red; yours there is some kind of extremely non-reef-safe hermit.


My one blueleg hermit's wearing a Margarita shell, too. (Got 'em free from someone.)

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no, he is reef safe. Dosent bother anything in the tank aside from the ocasional snail when he out grows his current shell. The reason they kill snails in the first place ,or are given the oportunity to is because we do not provide them with larger empty snail shells to move into.

SO "extremely non-reef safe" is a far stretch in this case.

(meaning my hermit) In fact he is now wearing a snail shell I glued some of my neaon green polyps to.AND TAKES CARE OF THEM !! LOL




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