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right now im treating my tank with kick ich, and i noticed toady my sebae clown has cloudy eyes, and i was wondering if that is from the ich

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very likely it is a secondary infection known as popeye or eyecloud... if untreated his eye will swell until it leaves the socket!!! You need to treat with minocycline if you have a quarintine tank, or if not, melafix and pimafix can have good results whem mixed... but be sure to turn off your protien skimmer and UV if you use it

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although desease may be caused by water quality, unless his ammonia is rediculously high, some treatment, even if just melafix/pimafix (natural plant extracts) is very useful in kicking desease

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terrestrial plants aren't natural in marine envrionments. i still stand by my suggestions and stand by my opinion the melafix and pimafix is useless in marine tanks. if you want to waste your money on that product, fine, but you're still going to have to do water changes. the water changes might be the cure without the extra medicine and money.

"if you're painting a room and get a headache, you dont pop some asprin... you open the window!" don't dump chemicals into a tank when all you have to do is change the water and fix the environment.


how high is "rediculously high" if we're going to discus ammonia burn. ammonia at any dilution can cause health problems. I don't think swimming in urine is good at any concentration. even small amounts of ammonia in a marine tank are toxic. the higher the pH the MORE toxic ammonia is. the hydrogen ion concentration, which is lower in a higher pH, causes the ammonia/ammonium equilibrium to shift to the ammonia side, which is the more toxic of the two. we call it all "ammonia" as an easy simplification of what'sreally goin on in a tank environment.


there are better ways of taking care of disease than buying placebos.

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oh definately, a water change should always be done first and testing should be done weekly. to cause the whitening of eyes however, no clinical tests have shown that levels of below 6.0 can cause this visible ammonia burn outside of the gills

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