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Coral Vue Hydros

Maroon clown with light spot on tail


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Past 2 days I have noticed this light spot growing on the clowns tail. There is also about 4 tiny white raised spots in the area. Any treatment for this? Thinking of finding a neon goby or cleaner wrasse.

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Cleaner wrasse will only harass the fish. Plus they are obligate parasite feeders. You can't keep one alive unless you intentionally hvae sick fish all the time. Leave those fish in a dealer's shop to die, that way they dont sell them, they dont order them, and they stay in the ocean where the wild fish NEED them to live. (Remember, no ocean fish = no aquarium fish.)


In the hobby, we use cleaner shrimp and TR neon gobies to proform such a job, which seems unlikely that you even need it in this case.


The fish looks like it has been the victim of agression, honestly. What other fish are in the tank?

Otherwise the fish looks very healthy. Nice job taking care of it. I would wait to see what happens... keep the stress factor low (don't sit there and stick your hands in the tank when the fish is resting at night and such, that's going to cause disease), watch your other fish and make sure the clown isnt getting nipped.

I wouldnt jump to conclusions and get an animal to 'clean it' when it probably doesnt need it.


How long have you had the fish? water parameters? tankmates? size tank? We can't give you a final answer until we have more information.



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It's a 12gal Nanocube. As for other fish, none. He's alone and has been for 2 weeks now. I've had him for about a month. JUST put coral in this Saturday, and one of the hitchikers was a pair of mini carpet anemones (about nickel size).



I have to wonder if the clown bumped them because when I checked him last he had 3 spots, 2 on the tail and one on the rear lower fin, all pretty much the same size and look. At work right now so I don't know what the status of things is right now. May move the carpets lower in the tank so maybe he'll be less likely to bump one while begging for food every time I go by.


But it doesn't look like a parasite/fungus/insert issue here?

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I have seen clowns & other fish get killed my carpet anemones. These guys are very sticky & aggressive. In your case I would look to see if it looks like the clowns scales were pulled off? If thats not the case, then it could be a fungus of some sort.


* Remember do not touch the anemones green area as you will likely get your fingers or hands stuck to it, and it will be hard to get off. When you do get them off, your hands or fingers will bleed afterwords :o.

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Yeah, In my past saltwater life I had a 1.5ft Blue carpet. Trying to move it one day and I slipped, it rolled backwards onto my forearm and stung the hell out of it. No blood but man did that burn for hours. I've already bumped the mini carpet before I knew what they were, no pain from them...just felt my finger stick. I'll get a closer look at the clown tonight and see if things have spread or the condition of the effected area.

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It's not a fungus. Fungal infections COME FROM other previous infections. If it's an infection at all, it's bacterial, but it doesnt look like one.


FYI a female maroon clown will obtain a size as big as a 12 gallon tank. They get 8" and turn totally black. You probably wont be able to keep anything else with her unless you get a bigger tank for the fish. If you are already having space issues, thinking it may be so cramped in the tank that she gets stung, you arent going to have any better luck down the road.


I'd get her in a bigger tank ASAP or trade in for something smaller.



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  • 2 weeks later...

and, to further back six up.... thanks for making that point about fingals... fungal probs are very rare compared to bacterial/parasitic, and something either has to be VERY wrong w/ your water params or another desease has to have stripped the immune system before a fungus can move in.

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