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Coral Vue Hydros

Two sweepers from a shell frag I got from LFS


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exactly what I just said in subject.... what is this thing? The sweepers are opaque, round and smooth... don't want to touch em of course... but I did take the old margarita snail shell to look inside... I think it retreats into the shell... I'd just toss the shell except it's got some nice zoos on it. Oh well here's the pic... one sweeper can hardly be seen in the middle.



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I had one of these on a frag of zoos I got in the mail. I traded it to a friend. Neither he or I had any clue what the tentacles were. Mine had two tentacles.

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Yeah this has two as well... thinking it's obvious that both tentacles belong to the same entity. Don't know what this is yet... they seem to be feelers though... doesn't move the shell around either...but looks like it tries to grip things then lets go... feels around etc... I try to keep it far enough away so that if they do have a stinging mechanism.. they can't touch any coral. It's almost scary... lol

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I don't think you guys have to worry. I have alot of those. I mean alot. I think there spaghetti worms. Since you just got it probably hasn't made a tube, plus I think the substrate might be to big. They use the tentacles to pull things back into the tube of sand they make. I notice that whenever I move a cerain rock it always leaves behind a few new ones that makes homes in the sand, abandoned shells, or rock itself.

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Sounds like something from War of the Worlds.

No not the movie , I mean the real story.

BTW : Tom Cruise sucks.

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They're not spaghetti worms, but another harmless worm. I can't remember the name at the moment, but just look up a worm faq.

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That's what it was, dead-on. Thanks, rmh!

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