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will trade for corals


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Hey guys this is just an idea please no flames or anything like that. After looking around I've noticed that this is a pretty expensive hobby that I decided to get into, love it to death but expensive none the less. Knowing nothing is free I thought I would give this a try. I will be up for trading some personal training sessions for small frags and what nots. Please let me know your feeling about this. Usually a one hour sessions at he high end goes for about $82/hr but I thought someone out there might have some extra stuff laying around and maybe we could do a swap. I've included a small file in which i usually send people who might want to do a home plan, a distance plan, this is for the people who can't make it to the fresno location





Summers here and it’s time to take action and get in shape.




People want different results from a workout. You may want to slim down, work off stress, increase your energy level or just feel better about yourself. This is why a custom tailored program is the best way to achieve your goal.


Even though everyone’s body composes of the same systems; these systems are finely calibrated to each individual. Without knowing the specifics of your body, (Resting Metabolic Rate, Muscular Endurance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Body Fat Composition, and Body Type) there is no way of knowing how your body will deal with the activities it has to overcome to gain your desirable results.




1. Collegiate educated as a kinesiologist

2. Certified Personal Trainer / Department of Defense Trainer

3. Athletic Trainer


Services Offered


1. Weight/Fat Loss Program

2. Muscle Mass Gaining Program

3. Post Injury Exercise Therapy

4. Personalized Fitness Program

5. Goal Setting

6. Body Assessment (Body Fat % comparison, Circumference Measurements, Computerized Assessment Tracking.)

7. Nutritional Consultation

8. Unlimited e-mail contact during the duration of the 6 weeks

9. Detailed planning of meals for the 6 week period (broken down into 6 meals per day, total number of carbs, grams of protein, fat, and calories for each item, mean and the total for the day.)

10. Custom meal type (Bodybuilder, Low-Fat, Wheat-Free/Low Carb, Performance Athlete, Vegetarian, Balanced, Low Carb.)


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Do I need a home gym in order to train at home?


A. No. I have trained home-based clients with nothing more than a Swiss ball, floor mat, 2lb weights and a pole. We work on strength, range of motion, flexibility and cardiovascular training. The benefit from working out at home is learning how to compliment a gym workout with an at home workout. Remember, you don't need thousands of dollars worth of equipment to gain results. A good trainer can give you a good workout with a pair of rocks!


Q. Can you help me with my eating habits?


A. I design an exercise and eating plan specifically tailored to the needs of my clients. I understand that people have different nutritional and physical needs, different time schedules, tastes and discipline. For this reason, I design comprehensive fitness programs that are best suited for my clients needs.


Q. How will I find out my muscular endurance, cardio endurance and body composition?


A. Muscular endurance and cardio endurance are easily obtained and will be discussed in detail all you need to make sure you have is a stop watch access to body calipers (most gyms will do your body fat % for free.)


Q. When do we start?

A. After I receive all the completed required consent and release form.

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You cant be serious right? LOL!

Didnt mean to flame ya. Just sort a slipped from my fingers.


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Not necessary FragMaster. I was really hoping you were going to have some success with your proposition. I have some zoas I'll send you if you can pay shipping. PM me if you're interested.

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If I were in Cali, I would take you up on it. I'm getting flabby from just sitting at home and staring at my tank. Good Luck!

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well guys you can't tell from this post but I'm almost completely done with my tank from this. I only have room for maybe two more pieces so to all those who have decided to take me up on this offer thank you and you will be happy with the result that some of you have already started to see.

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Like I said my post was a joke. BTW it looks like my joke bumped you back to the top and you recieved more hits and replies!



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