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Snails on my Snail????


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Ok so today i noticed when my Trochus snail was creeping along the glass that on its shell it had tons of what looked like mini snails, on it. white with long spiral shells about 1-2 milimeters.

i looked at the snails mantle and its clear, its just on the shell that their sitting, any idea what kind of snails these might be?


i would take a pic if they werent so small :P

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Originally posted by Mr. Piranha

Ok so today i noticed when my Trochus snail was creeping along the glass that on its shell it had tons of what looked like mini snails, on it. white with long spiral shells about 1-2 milimeters.

i looked at the snails mantle and its clear, its just on the shell that their sitting, any idea what kind of snails these might be?


i would take a pic if they werent so small :P


Sounds like it could be Pyramidellid Snails.





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yup i agree sounds like pyramids. you want to keep removing them. pyramids have specific food sources. some feed only on snails, and other on worms, and the worst (imo) are the clam ones.

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how long before they become lethal?


anyway, i just had my first cleaning session with my Trochus, and needless to say he didnt like being taken out of the tank :D

while i was holding him picking away pyramids with a pair of tweezers he was furiously slapping around trying to get a grip of something, but hes clean - for now.


So how fast do these suckers reproduce? can i eliminate them compleatly? or will they always be there and will i always have to be on a lookout for them?

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im thinking on getting a Six Line wrasse, some say they are agressive against other fish at times, but what about shrimp? cause i kind a need to control these pests but i have a expensive cleaner shrimp in my tank that i dont want to risk loosing.(expensive when you live on allowance lol)

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  • 1 month later...

6-lines will eat shrimp. I speak from experience ;)


As for the pyramid snails, don't have experience with them. DR. Ron's forum on reefcentral has tons of threads about them, so a search there would give you tons of info (make sure to adjust search date to abotu 6-months or so).

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