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Hidden Cup coral pic and ID question


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Here's an updated picture of the phyllangia americana that I posted a while back. Anyone know what the aiptasia lookin' striped things growing out of it are? Thanks!

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It's not aptasia, at least from the view I'm looking at. However, I could not tell you what it is. Looks kind of cool, like bleached out babies sprouting from the mother colony.

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Looks like a pest anemone to me! From the pic the polyps near the anemone are closed... which means they are being stung... They will probably grow back just like aptasia do, and will probably be eaten by peppermint shrimp if they aren't too large :-D.

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not aiptasia.

perhaps a Banded Condi.

Id try to entice it to move.

Wedge sone acrylic near the base of its foot to keep it off the coral. they will have a turf war. the coral will loose.

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It's Aiptasia! I got a lesson in Aiptasia the other day. Apparently, there are hundreds of different kinds of them! This "striped variety" seems to be the kind most prominent in the Gulf area.


There is also one that I like that looks like a button with long "spokes" that have bubbles on the end. SOme LFS sell them as button polyps! I asked a reputable LFS here in Detroit (Moby Dick) and they laughed and said it was Aiptasia! But he said some people do keep it as ornamental.


Also as an aside, the Striped and Bubble-tipped types don't grow like weeds and spread. They will get larger but rarely multiply. I had the striped variety in my old 75-Gallon and they grew up to 3" across and were quite beautiful!

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