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Coral Vue Hydros

My 2 1/2 yr old 7G and my new 2.5G Pico !!


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A warning.....GSP SUX !!! Dont put it in a small tank. It will grow like a weed and cover your zoos and anything in its path. It took out my entire right side of my tank before I got it slightly contained. My .02 cents

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(7g, pic #4 center left rear of pic, is that Aiptasia? If so, might wanna take care of it)


I have had Aiptasia for over a year, no harm done yet, but I have tried nuking it will Kalkwasser and that only took out 1 Aiptasia along with 20 zoos. I then tried peppermint shrimp and they never touched it. I just purchased another last weekend so maybe I will have better luck. If you have any ideas on what might work I am willing to try anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lemon juice and a syringe works every time. Inject it directly into the mouth. "rinse and repeat" LOL! until they are gone.

Joes juice sucks, kalk is to messy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

64 watts of 50/50 which is 2x 32watt compacts in custom hood, 300aq for the HOB. I plan on posting my hood very soon. I just finished it yesterday.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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