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RO/Di System?


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I really want to get a RO/DI system for my water changes, but I live in an apartment where it couldn't remain set-up 24/7. The nearest LFS that I can buy RO water from is an hour away, and it's a pain to get up there. I'm using the tap water purifier from Aq. Pharm., but I'm still showing signs of Phosphate in the water before it's added to the tank. Any ideas?

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personally i don't like the TWF. check with a bottled water company for distilled. $0.50~$1.00/gallon. it would be prohibitve on a typical traditional reef but for nanos distilled is a great option imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check if you supermarket has one of those Glacier water machines, www.glacierwater.com These machines make R/O water for 25 cents per gallon. When I tested the water there was zero phosphates, nitrates, and nitrites. I know of a few other members here who use these machines too.

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When I tested the water there was zero phosphates, nitrates, and nitrites. I know of a few other members here who use these machines too.
That's good, but keep in mind that RO alone doesn't filter out phosphates, so you're lucky the supermarket water was phosphate-free before filtering. Channah's supermarket(s) may have phosphate-poluted water, so ya gotta test first.


If phosphates exist..... add DI.

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I live in an apartment and I added a full-size Kent RO/DI under the sink! :P


Luckily, the sink uses the poly tubing, so I cut it, installed some compression fittings ... Viola! RO/DI! I also drilled the SS top and added a drinking water faucet to dispense it. It is a standard 5/8" hole and they sell SS plugs at Home Depot for like $0.99 when I leave.

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