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Do you need a refugium light in 12g dx to grow macro?


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First off, hello! This is my first time posting here after lurking for a couple months.


I just got a jbj 12g Nanocube DX about a week and a half ago. And I remember someone breifly mentioning in a post that it was not nessacary for 12g DX to have a refugium light to support Macro algae in the second chamber.


So I guess I would like to hear about your success or lack there of with this 'technique'.



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I'm not sure about the effectiveness of growing chaeto in the back of a jbj nano, but unless you can mod it so the light won't leak out at night, it's gonna leave your tank really bright at night when the fuge light is on.

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I recently removed the vinyl from the back of my 2nd chamber to add a light. With the top closed there is some light spill from the main lights, but I dont think it is enough for macro to thrive, it only reaches a few inches down the chamber. I just sat a red sea palm light behind the tank. Took about 5 minutes to remove the vinyl and set the light up, and you dont have to worry about light spill when the lights are off.

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I don't think you need the light over any fuge. I have a small 18watt PC fixture over my CPR 18" w/ some small spill-over from the MH pendant and the chaeto grows like nuts. I say toss some macro in the back and see how it does if you don't wanna splurge on the lighted back... Just my 2c, though, since I don't have much exp w/ nano-cubes.

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Multiple people have tried. But your more than welcome to waist your money before using the Search feature of the site.:)

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Thanks for the input!


Yeah I tried searching for it, but I couldn't come up with what I was looking for =/.


I saw the DIY LED fuge light post, it looks pretty slick. I'll probably go that route.

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Does no one use Caulpera anymore? I heard there were problems with it...what are they? I saw some Caulpera at my lfs but no cheato.

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It can go asexual and fall apart in the tank. I bought some for my tank when I couldn't find any chaeto and didn't have any luck with it. I removed it before it polluted my tank.


I would recommend waiting for some chaeto. Either someone in a local group or a local shop should have some.


I am going to add an underwater light to the second compartment of my 24dx but I've had some chaeto back there for over a month and it's ok. I check it during feedings and water changes to make sure it's ok. It isn't growing like crazy but it isn't dying.

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what does going asexual have to do with it dying? Does it fall apart because it doesnt get enough light back there?


another question...so you guys have LR rubble in the 2nd compartment as well as some macro algae? Just float the macro on top of the rubble?

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Originally posted by MBavsh

Thanks for the input!


Yeah I tried searching for it, but I couldn't come up with what I was looking for =/.


I saw the DIY LED fuge light post, it looks pretty slick. I'll probably go that route.


I just ordered one for myself, so if you stick around I'll give you an update soon. :)

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