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With all the chaos with the nanocube lately I thought I'd post some pics of my little project. Like many of you who know exactly how you'd build any system if you ever owned it, I had my nanocube mentally built long before ever aquiring one. I actually got it on trade from my little brother who couldnt keep the tank healthy. He gave up and after a little negotiating it was in my possesion. From that day forward my vision started to materialize.


I started by completely redoing the filtration. I ripped out the back wall and with a good friend and NR member redid basically everything. We made a new wall with the entire unit being an overflow



With that issue solved I plumbed up the returns. Currently it has a RIO1700 as the return pump splitting into two and then two again for a total of 4 returns. Each with 3" of locline and a 1.25" flare nozzle.


From the get go I new I wanted this tank to be my intro into SPS so I wanted to build the appropriate enviroment. For my light I took an empty 30" fixture I had laying around and cut it down to size. As you'll see I later added a 70 watt metal halide. Here's my girlfriend holding the light above the tank to see how it would look.


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looks awesome, i'd like to do the same thing with my 25 gallon jebo. Where did you get the jets ? And could you show some pics of the filtration? I'm kinda confuzed as to how it works (never seen a nanocube in person)


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With the exception of the skimmer I tried to make the filtration as natural as possible. All the filtration is left up to the live rock and the skimmer. The water basically gets pumped into the display just to overflow back into the sump and do it all over again. With the barebottom, no fish, and clean rock there isn't a whole lot to mechanically filter out anyhow(if that's what your wondering).


I got the locline nozzles at marine depot. For what they are they are pretty expensive but well worth it. I think I have like $30 or $40 into the return plumbing.

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I can't see your 2nd or 3rd sets of pics, but looks cool... I remember back when you were going to sell this and I'd like to think I persueded you to keep this bad boy ;)

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yep I remember that. It was all you;-)


Not sure why the other sets of pics aren't coming up. I did the same thing with every pic using photobucket to host em. Maybe I'm exceeding something... i dont know. Hopefully they'll come up soon, those are the cool ones.

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I'll try a different stradegy for the pics. After the above mods the tank sat dormant for a good month. Got busy with work and life and basically forgot about it. Then one night I couldnt sleep and went on an internet rampage. Here's a pic after the carnage.

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Like I said I wanted SPS so I knew with the flow required in such a small space I had to go barebottom. We made a custom black acrylic bottom piece and siliconed it in there for a nice clean appereance. Speaking of clean you can see the snail tracks through the dust:)

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Here's a pic of my light. Currently it houses a 70watt 14k metal halide(soon to be a 250watt), two 3" temp sensitive fans, a controllable moonlight that simulates the cycle of the moon, and is hung with an AquaMedic cable kit.

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With so much heat both in and above the tank I decided to drill a couple holes in the back of the tank and screw in a couple iceprobe chillers.

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I decided to integrate an EBoJager heater into the mix which along with the iceprobes and various other things are controlled by a ReefKeeper. I mounted it flush into the door of the JBJ stand.

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Here's the resivoir for my battery powered air auto top off. This tank evaps allot of water. It sits on the shelf inside the stand.

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I wanted a rock with a specific look and a specific look that came with one rock. This way I dont have to rearange the whole tank to mount corals. I found the piece on ebay and so far I like it. Its actually limestone so I'm sketchin a little on it but based on my reading its perfectly fine.


Here it is how she sits right now. Hope you all enjoy.

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Couldnt have done it without your help;) The brace wasnt really needed. When I resiliconed it back in after we made the overflow teeth deeper, I siliconed the seems like no tomorrow. Its holdin strong.


Here's a nice pic of the aftermath

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I probably went a little crazy but I'm happy with the result and in all actuality it didnt cost all that much. Its a long story but I actually got the tank for $1. The Reefkeeper was the killer.

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damn...that is probably the most hooked up nanocube i have seen. Great job on the mods. I'm jealous of the reef keeper. Everything looks great. Good decision to go BB. The 250 watt seems a little excessive, but I do have a 250 watt on my 16x16x16 acrylic cube, so maybe not. Keep the updates coming.

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great tank!

lol i love the pics of the empty boxes, half my living room looks like that whenever new corals come in :D

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Thanks everyone.


I have a couple things coming in the mail so I'll post some pics within the next week of the lighting upgrade and the return pump upgrade.


If anyone else has a good idea of what mods or a cool product I could add to the system to make it better, throw your ideas out there.



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