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wooah nitrates!


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A few weeks ago, a brown film covered part of my aquarium's glass. I fought it with water changes, and the growth stopped completely. It didn't go away though either. I eventually scraped the crap off, and it was hard, almost as hard as coralline. I dunno what it was but nothing was eating it except my asterina starfish, and they were horribly inefficient at doing so. The color suggested diatoms, yet my snails woudldn't touch the stuff.


The day after I scraped it, everything was all closed up, so I tested all of my parameters. Nitrates were over 50 ppm.


I've been bringing it down with daily water changes, and fortunately everything survived. The nitrates are still at about 15 ppm, and it'll take a few more water changes to bring them back down below 5 - where I like to keep them. Just another reminder of how quickly parameters can change in a pico.


Edit - thats mg/L, not ppm.

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