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do i have sea monkeys?


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seriously, this morning i spotted a small swarm of what appear to be hatchling shrimp. the question is. WHERE THE HECK DID THEY COME FROM ??? my QT has been up for at least 3 mos i haven't added a new rock in at least a month (i know, i know, no rocks in the QT)the only things in there are renegade hermit crabs. i feed them frozen mysis and formula one maybe they get a little cyclopeze every now and then (i throw leftovers from my main tank in there) could these have hatched from frozen mysis eggs? is it safe to suck some up and put in my other tank? should i feed them? what can i feed them? they are only about 1 mm long. help me! i only want to murder them if they're fish food!

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reef hugger

It sounds like mysis shrimp larvae. They didn't hatch from the frozen mysis but, from a hitchhiker mysis that is living in the LR. You could probably see them swimming around at night around the rocks. They would be safe to move to your other tank. Your fish would love them.

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Hermit larvae are free swimming as well.

Hermits need lovin', too. The moon-light's light is just right, Herman and Hermina meet and have a couple drinks after there algae dinner. Herman takes hermina's claw in his and they stare into each others eye stalks for what seems like eternity until finally they retire into Hermina's shell (because Hermans is a mess, but what do you expect from a bachelor pad?)

And then...


bow-chikka-wow-woww achika-wow-wowwwww (porn music spelled phonetically)

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i'd say the body shape is closer to the mysis. they are maybe 4x longer than wide? and seem to float around in the swarm with random snaps. the main outline of the body could best be described as microscopic tadpoles. what would hermit larvae look like? i do have a few of the same species in there. still haven't seem live mysis though... hmm

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I'm going to say mysis. Those guys come in on any new item put in the tank--coral, rock, macro, even a snail can have one on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, so my swarming sea monkeys are gone for now. but i just saw the wildest thing. i was watching the hermits when one of the ugly little red ones stretched out of its shell. and attached to it's lower body were a couple hundred dark red eggs!! i don't know if they are hermit eggs or eggs of smth that eats hermits but i might have to try getting a pic tomorrow. cool! :D maybe that encounter with shaky was a little bit more than bein' roughed up...

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Crabs usually carry their eggs under their abdomen in an "apron", so I'd bet they're her eggs. Cool! Lots of baby hermits!

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