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Coral Vue Hydros

Drilling the back


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I'm getting ready to install a sump and I started drilling the back to install the bulkheads. Well, my little drill couldn't handle it. I couldn't even get a pilot hole. Is there anything about this I should be worried about, or do I just need to get a bigger drill?




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drilling glass is somthing I have always been afraid of. I have never done it but I have some advise for you. My father made stained glass windows for years and being around that I learned a little bit about glass and its tolerances. All I can say is DO NOT force it, let the bit do ALL of the work no mater how long it takes and dont let it get to hot. Glass does not like fast temp changes!

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  • 3 months later...

I just finished drilling 1 of my 24G nano's for bulkheads!


the trick is to keep is cool with water! I placed it in my bathtub & used a dremmel and drilled a hole to start, then ued a diamond chip bit to carefully route out the rest of the hole!


Keep it cool and DO NOT RUSH! let the bit do the work!


I am working on nano #2 this week!

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Originally posted by paingod

I just finished drilling 1 of my 24G nano's for bulkheads!


the trick is to keep is cool with water! I placed it in my bathtub & used a dremmel and drilled a hole to start, then ued a diamond chip bit to carefully route out the rest of the hole!


Keep it cool and DO NOT RUSH! let the bit do the work!


I am working on nano #2 this week!


Make sure you rinse out that tub very well. Wouldn’t want to get a glass shard in your foot while taking a shower. I don’t even wanna say what could happen if you took a bath :P Ive never drilled glass before. But due to its structure, I would assume you'd want to use a dermal as oogie mentioned. Fast RPM's and a very hard bit (diamond chip) w little pressure will work.

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