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Day one/saga of the hitchked snowflake eel


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As you recall yesterday, I got my tank all set up and running for the first time with just a damsel in it. I at back to enjoy my work when, from out of the LR which had been out of water for at least an hour during all of this, a 14 inch long snowflake eel pops out for a look around. Imagine my surprise. Well, wanitng to do the right thing, I told the guys at the LFS where I bought the rock and they nearly freaked out...the eel belonged to the owner's friend and was sick, yet this wasn;'t the first time he had hitched a ride out on some LR. So I bought the LR back and they got him out of that piece. Lucky for me I also got the LR back since it was one fo the nicest pieces they had for sale the day I got it.


We also did a water test and aside from some ammonia, the water was pefectly liveable, but that may not be saying a lot for a tank that has only been running for a day thus far.


I have also been wondering, just how much current is enough/too much? I have an Aqua-Tech hanging on the back (not adjustable) and a Rio 50 power head that is about half closed-down. That seems to be moving everything just fine, but then I hear about guys having Rio 150 or 90 power heads. Man how do you even hold down the LR with ones that big running? I need current, not a tsunami!


Oh yeah, I am all but sure that the eel ate or took a chunk out of my damsel so he was replaced for free. Since putting the new guy in there though I have yet to see him come out from wherever he's hiding.



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That's a good place for a sick eel, in a liverock curing tank, what better way to kill him off. I guess they have cycle damsels in the tank to feed it as well. "oh, yea, that's a friends of mine I was holding in there. Could you bring it back?" Good one. These are very common to find as hitchikers in LR. A friend of mine got 2 ( not snowflake) in an order he had placed.


Next week you are going to see it in another tank for sale.


Don't get me wrong, I could be wrong but that sounds really fishy to me.


BTW, that 1000 year old spanish gold coin you found in that rock was a buddy of mines that wanted to see how it looked under water. Could ya bring it back?

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Chineseghoststory Dorked himself in the hinnie hole

As you recall ....during all of this, a 14 inch long snowflake eel pops out .... Well, wanitng to do the right thing, I told the guys at the LFS where I bought the rock and they nearly freaked out...the eel belonged to the owner's friend and was sick, yet this wasn;'t the first time he had hitched a ride out on some LR. So  





Ya shoulda kept it. THEN returned it later when it was bigger and AT LEAST asked fer a reward. In this business, its Finders keepers, Loosers Stoopors. I cant believe they kept it in with curing LR.... Next time yer at the LFS, Jump up on the front counter, Flip them the double bird and Scream .... " LOOOOOOOZZZZERRRRRRSSSZZZZZZZ.

Tell them I sent you.... Il Post Bail $. ;)

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X) i'm with liquid and dave. sick eel in the curing tank? wtf, that's a bunch of hs. is this the same lfs that was trying to sell you their great w/c water? flip a penny in their friggin tanks! :angry: gasholes!


well, at least we know you're honest. a bit naive but honest! ;)


btw, don't flip a penny in their tanks. i was jk

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Maybe it was the friend of they guy that was sick and not the eel. Why would you take a sick eel to your lfs?


And if there is ammonia in the tank, it isn't livable. :P


And are you cycling with a fish? Naughty naughty. That isn't good for that fish. You should take it back until you have no ammonia or nitrite.

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i dont think that you should take it hard on chineseghostory he was probly confused about it and thought it was best that he take the eel back to the lfs at the time .eventho it would have been smarter to take it back and sell it to the lfs and screw them over like they do to everybody,Chris

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