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Innovative Marine Aquariums

[STOCK] amcgee


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I just got my cube from my LFS for $79.99. Just like nanocustoms without any shipping, definetly a killer deal. Pictures will follow.


Good Luck to All,



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I guess I'm out. I came home from work today to find my floor soaked in water, my tank with a huge crack down the side, and my roomates laptop power supply fried. I had the tank running for two days with live sand and live rock with no problems then bam it's all gone. Niether JBJ nor my LFS where I bought it warranty against cracks, which is good cause I punched a hole in it in frustration. I don't have the will or the cash to start over, but good luck to all still in.




BTW I now have a 6g hood and stock pump for sale if anyone in the open contest is looking for something to practice on. PM me with questions.

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Geez, the only reason to run a contest like this would be to showcase your product. But after reading this i would never try one if they won't even replace one that was defective. Can't support a company that won't back up their product. Sorry about your bad luck, but maybe a company rep. will read this and realize that they are losing customers.

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Originally posted by reefofart

Geez, the only reason to run a contest like this would be to showcase your product.


Agreed! I had been considering a similar purchase, but am very leery now because of the experiences that have been posted. The occurrence is far too frequent.


I suppose anyone who does purchase one would always have an eye over their shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop ... though I imagine that anyone who has had a working cube in place for some time has trouble fathoming how this could happen (and maybe giving thanks for their good fortune!).


The company could of course seize this opportunity to improve the product and replace the lost units, making great strides towards restoring their reputation.



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Like I said in my thread both the dealer (nanocustom.com) and JBJ were very cooperative. Just 30 minutes after my initial contact, a replacement was shipped out to me, I should be receiving it today. It sounds to me like they are working on the problem.


Feel free to contact me if you have this problem and want help resolving it.

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Its probably not my place to comment here, but the Dealer has an obligation to work with you to resolve this issue.


JBJ tanks cracking, although not uncommon, is not really rampant in the product line. They sell thousands of units and when things do go bad, forum users usually post and take note.


I would try with JBJ. If the crack seems to come from the corner where the glass is bent, its usually a claim that can be honored, since its well understood that that is a large source of stress.


As for me. When a customer of mine has a cracked tank, i will generally advise them of the following:


1. Immediately start dialogue between yourself and JBJ, explain where you bought it from.


2. Contact the vendor to let them know that you have a claim under review with JBJ.


3. The dealer should then contact JBJ and keep them appriased of the situation, and get authorization to replace the product for you.


4. You go back to being a happy camper, and the dealer and JBJ work something out.


In my experiences ive shipped close to a few hundred units, and have had maybe 10 go bad.


In most cases, I was able to coordinate with JBJ to get the customer in a replacement unit.


The settling part is fun fun fun for me. lol. but i think that its my responsibility to my customers.


My advice is to try again with the dealer. They have it in their best interest to serve you too.


hope this helps,



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