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Local specimen 5g Marineland Tank


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Here is a tank that I made containing specimens from the area. I caught EVERYTHING that is in this tank and it all came from here with the exception of the rock and sand. There is 11 unidentified fish, ~20 grass shrimp, a few sea squirts, ~20 few large mostly tiny nass. snails, 7lbs of rock, and one large unidentified hermit.


It's nothing pretty, but it is sort of cool to me. I figured I would share with you all.


This tank has been up for roughly a month, maybe longer and I will be giving away all but 4-5 of these fish soon. They aren't flashy or pretty, but they do swarm whatever side of the tank you are on. cool little boogers








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As I thought, they small fish are pinfish. :D Man, I hate catching those things, annoying as hell. Thanks for the compliments btw :)

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Upon finding more info, it appears that they eat small fish, crustacians, and algae. Maybe since they are small, and will grow larger with time, them being around the shrimp now might make them not eat them. We shall see.

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nice tank! i catch alot of those shrimp & crabs in the keys! the crabs get gigantic....when full grown, they can kill a adult lionfish!!!! i hav 1 rite now,but after they get too big i giv em to the lfs

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Originally posted by kamalehi

nice tank! i catch alot of those shrimp & crabs in the keys! the crabs get gigantic....when full grown, they can kill a adult lionfish!!!! i hav 1 rite now,but after they get too big i giv em to the lfs


He has surprised me though because he doesn't seem very aggressive at all towards the shrimp or fish. The shrimp crawl all over him and he never even lifts a claw. Sometimes, he just sucks up into his shell. I was thinking of adding 2 more, if I can find them. finding them shouldn't be a problem though.

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Originally posted by Divided Sky

11 fish?  doesnt that seem a bit excessive for a 5 gallon?


yes it does, and is. ;) If you will read up towards the top, I am giving away all but a few of them soon. Also, the tank is way overstocked with chrimp, which go on fish ###### like white on rice. Not to mention that even the smallest of sea squirts can filter up to a liter of water an hour. Cool eh? I do know what you mean though.

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It is always nice to see people keeping native species from time to time. HOWEVER.... I have a request. Please do not release any of these animals back into the wild if they have been exposed to any non-native species (live rock critters included). It may sound crazy, but the consequences can be terrible for an eco-system.

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  • 1 month later...

They're sticklebacks. And I second what sivad said.

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they are pinfish, that is their official name. maybe they are called something differently where you live. Thanks

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Thats awsome, I just set up a native North Carolina 10 Gallon with 4 fish, and some algaes that floated up on the gulf stream.

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