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Kenya tree (capanella) for trade - local only Silver Spring, MD


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My kenya tree coral frags are overgrowing my mini-bow and I need to offload some soon to prevent them from taking over. I have several frags available for local trade only in Silver Spring, MD. I can provide pictures if interested. I will take just about anything for the corals. Any kind of shroom is good, zoos or any polyps are acceptable as well. Would like to trade soon if possible. Let me know. PM me if interested.



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All I have right now is a kenya tree coral and some yellow polyps. I should have some pulsing xenia ready to frag in the next month or so. Not really looking to sell at this point. Rather a trade would be better. Are you just starting out? Do you already have a tank established? Let me know your details and we might be able to work something out.



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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I have two more than before. Local trade only meaning within the area. ANy takers? Will trade kenya tree coral for just about any coral polyp. Also, willing to donate to anyone starting out with a new tank. Be honest now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm in Laurel Maryland. I have quite a bit in my tank. Ornage zoos, green zoos, xenia, red shrooms, a sort of aqua colored shroom, green star polyps, and a few things I couldn't frag. I'm not familiar with what a kenya tree coral looks like. Do you have a pic? PM me if you're interested.

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Here is a pic of the Kenya tree. Sorry its a tad out of focus. I also have some small frags or I could frag this tree for you if desired. I am very desparate to remove these frags from my tank as they are beginning to take over and I would hate to have to destroy any of them. If you have nothing to trade now I would be willing to trade for something extra you may have in the future.





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Hi MillerLite,


I've tried sending you a PM but I was told that your mailbox was full. I'm very interested in a trade and I have quite a few things that I could offer in a trade. I have a favia coral that I like quite a bit but I'd like to find it a new home since my galaxea is so big and the favia is currently occupying the place that the galaxea should go for lighting etc. It retails for $75 so trust me if you chose to trade for that it would be a steal :)

There are other options if you aren't interested in that though. I have red shrooms, orange zoos with brown skirts, green zoos with brown skirts, and aqua shrooms that would all be easily fragged. I also have some things that I'm waiting on growing out. I have beautiful purple yuma rics, a baby orange yuma ric, GSP, green zoos with green skirts, and white zoos with a bluish ring and then a pink skirt. What do you think? Send me another PM with your e-mail if you're interested or I can send you my phone number, etc so we can make arrangements.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Also, willing to donate to anyone starting out with a new tank. Be honest now!


Can I take you on that offer, I just started my 24G NC DX about a 30 ago and would like to get something to look at. I have a firefish goby and a true percula clownfish. I have snail and hermits and that about it, also a camel back shrimp I'm willing to trade that way I don't feel guilty been empty handed. Let me know if that is cool with you, anything will work for me this weekend or any other day. I would love to get something cool to look at and take care of.






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  • 2 months later...

Sorry its taken me so long to get back to the thread. The offer still stands especially for those with new tanks. Have two different frags available now. One large, one small. Free to those with new tanks, for trade or sale cheap for those with established tanks. If wish to trade, will take any polyp or shroom at a later date. Still in the middle of a transition with the tank right now. Also, I will have to frag (prune) the one I have now in the tank. Just returned from vacation and noticed it was huge. The other corals arent really liking the shading too much. Let me know if you are interested!!!

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Oh Sorry, Raf, I pm'd you. Are you still interested???


Even though you may have filled your tank with other stuff, still would consider giving it to you free if you are still interested. Just want to get rid of the frags without having to kill them.



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