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AquaC Remora Pro for AquaC Remora?


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Hi guys


I have an AquaC Remora Pro skimmer, but might be willing to trade it for the regular AquaC, since my nano is only 18 gal and the pro is kind of big for it.


It DOES NOT have pump, but I could trade for the regular AquaC without a pump either, since I already have the maxijet 1200.


Anyone interested, let me know...



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Really?--nobody's biting? Seems like a good deal to me!

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Hey Caesar777...get a job you loser...is this what it comes down to.. you surfing nano-reef all day just to comment on anything I post... maybe I should do the same for your posts and bring up your not so nice selling experience on reef central, because I am sure it was your first right?


Get a life, get a job, stop stalkin...

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Uhh, that was meant as a positive comment, actually, as I said in my reply to your PM. Don't be so sensitive, thinking that everybody's out to get you. I meant that it looks like a good deal--which it certainly is, and it really surprised me that someone didn't jump on it within two seconds. Take a friendly bump when you see it, kid.

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And by the way, in reference to the UNrelated RC issue--which you've already brought up, so I don't know why you need to keep bringing it up--it was hardly my first sale, and certainly not my first jackass buyer, but he certainly was the biggest problem I've ever dealt with. Again, take a friendly bump when you see it.

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Caesar777...tried to PM you but your box was full... as I was trying to say, if it really was a bump, then thank you, I appreciate it... but surely you can imagine after what transpired last Friday, it came off more as a sarcastic remark...if it truely was a bump, then thank you for that...


it is hard to not be so sensitive when all I was getting last Friday from people such as yourself, for trying to maybe make a buck or two.


As for reef central, I just used that as weapon to attack you back for attacking...I have no idea who is right or wrong, nor do I have an opinion...you guys work it out...the fact that it had to go public is not right..hope you guys settled it privately.

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Yeah, he took it to a forum when it wasn't even resolved, and, besides that, there wasn't a problem to begin with. And no, he hasn't contacted me since. We'll see. He wants a FULL refund, including the $40 it cost ME to ship the tank to him, PLUS he wants to keep the tank, AND he's filed for insurance, so he ALSO wants that $200. And he says I'm a crook.


Anyway, no hard feelings, man. If you don't find another Remora, I have one I'd trade. NO flaws. How about yours?

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I think I will not do this trade for following reasons:


A) I bought it used without a pump and have not ran it to confirm it works properly....I dont need to trade it to someone and turns out it doesnt work and my rep takes another hit


I am going to buy either the mag3 or rio1400 and see how it looks... i prefer the 1400 because of its smaller size, but I know the mag 3 is better pump....so bulky though for a nano...hmm, guess some creative rock work can hide it...


Caesar777....I dont want to tell you what to do, but really, in future, if someone has something for sale, and you think it is an unfair price, you can PM the guy and let him know. Public bashing is not needed. It is up to the guy, and whomever buys , to work out price. Market economics will take care of it all....no hard feelings.

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Yeah, I wasn't bashing...but maybe I could have been a little nicer. ;)


Regardless of the trade, for the Pro model I'd recommend something larger, as my non-Pro version has a Maxi-Jet 1200, 296 GPH, and it's barely strong enough--cup is as low as it can go.

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I am just worried, because the mag 3 runs hot I read, I am afraid it will increase my tank temp some more... i am already at like 80-82....dont need it any hotter...i read people compared mag 3 to mag 5 and really saw no improvement in performance....same amount of skimmate except the mag 5 was louder...

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Hmm... Good point. I keep forgetting it's a nano. Honestly, the amount of skimmate won't be as high as that in my heavily-stocked LPS/zoo 30, so a Maxijet should be fine. It still works well on my tank. But you may as well get a pump--still get one rated higher to go with the Pro model--and include it in your trade. What's the stock pump on the Pro, do you know? I could look it up at Marine Depot, but I'm lazy.

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stock pump for the pro is the rio 1400... it is smaller and supposedly not as solid as the mag...but it might work out just fine for me..


I think i am going to trade or sell the maxi 1500 and get the rio 1400....i just have an 18gal tank, dont need that extra power...only have 2 clowns in there...besides, anything is an improvement over the prizm skimmer i have in there now ;-)

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I changed my minds...the Pro is just not for my tank....anyone who has the AquaC and wants to upgrade to the pro, let me know... I have not run it, and dont have the pump for it..but you can pick up the mag3 pump for $40 new...the Pro is worth more than the AquaC regular, but I'd be willing to trade for just an AquaC without a pump since I already have a maxi1200.


If I trade with someone and you find out the skimmer doesnt work (highly unlikely), I'd return your skimmer back to you and you can do likewise.



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I dont think you would be looking for an Urchin, but just in case, i have one that i would trade. Its the in-sump remora.

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have a trade pending with Caesar777...if it falls through, bladze you are next in line..


sorry, not interested in urchin since i dont have a sump for my nano.. thanks for the offer though ;-)

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hey flo..your pm box is full...I was going to send you a tracking number...anyways, send me a pm when you clear yours out and I can provide it to you...package should arrive thursday.



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