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Cultivated Reef

dwarf sea horses


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Im thinking about putting drawf seahorses in a pico but have some questions.

Can I put corals in the tank

if not

can I put live rock in the tank

if not what type of filtration should I use.

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also, first thing i should have said: seahorse are not for newbies. require advanced care, and excellent water conditions.

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I looked there but To find this out would tooken hours of searches( I did do some searching) I was just hoping that since this question Im sure hasnt been asked a bunch of times someone could just tell me.

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actually it has been asked millions of times.


if you want to keep seahorses, you need to be prepared to do hours of research, and not have somebody else do it for you.


if you type in "seahorse" or "dwarf seahorse" on the search, you will easily find the answer to all of those questions you asked.

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