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bay area- nice frags $8-$15


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Where are you located in the bay? Any of them you would sell 2 for $20-25? Preferrably something that would be easy to keep, as these will be my first corals. Also right now I only have 110w of VHO light over my 40g.

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Hi I'm in Tracy, but I make my way over to the bay and will be at Tropical Paradise in San Leandro on sunday. Sure, I have several types of corals that would do well. Mushrooms, green tentacle with white/purple center zooanthids, pink capnella, green hydnophora, that sort of thing. I'd sell you two types of any of the above for $25, thats about 5 mushrooms, or ~15-20 zoos, a nice capnella tree, and a pretty nice piece of hydnophora, if you were wondering about size. hth:) .

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hey cal ill be in the bay for thanksgiving...ill be home for the whole weekend so maybe we can meet up that weekend or something....im interested in the multi colored zoos mostly.....maybe the hydnophora....let me know if you can meet up maybe like the weekend right after thanksgiving..

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