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Need Help With Clown Gobies


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i was thining of putting them in a 5 gallon, and wanted to know if they would be peaceful towards oneonother.

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I wouldn't put two in a 5 gallon...actually I would, but I wouldn't recommend someone else do it. haha


The trick is...don't buy two of the same species. A green clown goby and a citrinis clown goby would have a better living situation than two greens. I'd even be careful about putting a purple in with a black because they are so close in color.


I have three different color variations in my 20g long. I had four, but a hitchhiker mantis took him out. I've had a green before and plan on buying another one for my 3g since they don't swim around often and prefer perching. I find my yellow clown swims much more often than my other color variations for some reason.


What did you need help with in particular?


IME, since they have such a small bioload and don't require a large space to swim they would be a good fish for the 5g. If you chose two of the smaller clowns, like a black and a yellow, they would probably be better off in a 5g together than the two larger, and IME more territorial clowns, green and citrinis.

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thanks, i have two who havent yet reached puberty, so i am wondering if i need to seperate them, i have two yellows.

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