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does anyone have a clown goby pair?


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i did it. i had a small one. then added a large one. the large one picked on the small one so much. it finally died. the larger one died soon after... prolly ich

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I had two yellow clown gobies in a 20 gallon and one of them dominated the other...would chase it around and harrass it. I think they are best kept singly. They don't seem to bother other fish.

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In my experience, more than one clown goby can be housed together...but they need to be different color variations. Right now I have a Citrinis or "Rusty", black, and a yellow. I have had a green and a purple in the same tank, which I lost due to killer inverts unfortunately. I've noticed the Green seem to be more territorial. I, personally, have not had any problem whatsoever with fighting or bullying with my clown gobies. I'll be buying another green clown goby for my 3g soon. I could never have a tank without one of these guys :)


They can be housed together, just try to buy different species.


Good luck!

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Honestly, I have a 20g long. I made sure that I bought rocks with good nooks and crannies to hide in and nice soft coral to perch in. One thing that annoys me though...my black goby perchs on the front glass no matter what tank I put him in. I just wish the booger would perch on something else! haha


My clown gobies swim together, sit around together, eat without fighting, and my Citrinis and yellow seem to favor one another's company. I think, for the most part, the territory issue only comes into play when they see a fish that is the same color that they are.

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help i just got a yellow clown goby about 3days ago and it won't eat.what do i do? i have dts hytoplankton, spectrum life pellet food and live brine shrimp as food. why does his belly look sorta sunken in? and it llokks more pale then bright yellow at times?



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Unfortunately most clown gobies are starved or nearly starved at the LFS. As with any new fish, it may take a day or even close to a week for it to relax in its new surroundings and seek food.


Try Cyclopeeze for now. There are not many fish that can deny the lure of that food. Also try adding garlic to the food, I use Kent Garlic Extreme.


Also, how big are those pellets? It might prove helpful to crush them down even smaller.


I'm not sure of signs of internal parasites, but I do know that I have brought my fish back out of the very same state you've mentioned.


My yellow clown goby came from the LFS bright yellow but I didn't quarantine it and a few of the fish got ick. Eventually he was eating, but his tummy was getting thinner. I threw him in a 10g and dosed the entire tank with that garlic extract. I actually figured he would die because his scales fell off leaving his yellow color splotched with white. However, a week later he was fine. Perfect, even. I don't know what happened. I was lucky, I suppose.


At least Cyclopeeze will, hopefully, get him to eat something...and the garlic should help, as well. It has so many beneficial uses.


Not sure I've been any help, but good luck with your little guy!

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In my 20 long i have a green clown goby, yellow clown goby and green banded goby. the green and yellow clown sit next to eachother all day. none were bought at the same time either. I have not seen any aggression out of any of my gobbies

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I bought two green clown gobies two weeks ago. I knew they were aggressive towards their own species, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway.


At first they would not eat and look extremely emaciated. Sunken stomaches, pale colors the whole nine yards. But I've just had such a tough time finding green clown gobies for some reason. These were some of the reasons why I bought two since I knew that getting them nursed back to health would also be a challenge. I tried everything from Formula One, Formula Two even Cyclopeeze. Nothing worked. Finally, I decided to hatch baby brine and see if they would respond to live prey. Thankfully it worked. (Adult Brine are too big)


After a week, they became more and more healthy and comfortable with their surroundings. The colored up and were doing their normal thing... sitting on corals and not moving much. This was when their natural behaviors surfaced. The large one chased the smaller one all through the tank (MB7). Thankfully, I had lots of rock and caves in which to hide and escape. I was tempted to remove one, but decided to see if they could work it out on their own.


Well... it's a coincidence that I ran into this thread because as of half an hour ago, they started to swim together. No chasing or biting or running away. They each took a turn and did a little swim in one direction and then the other would do their thing. (These fish don't really swim, they just dart back and forth from spot to spot.)


Personally, I don't care if they pair-up and start spawning. I just want a them to co-exist peacefully. I've paired up plenty of clownfish and other marine fish to know that parents trying to protech their young/eggs become mighty aggressive and territorial.


Hope someone finds this interesting and useful.


BTW, I just picked up yellow clown goby today and put into the quarantine tank. Glad to see that others in this thread had good luck with differnt species co-existing.




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