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clown goby green or otherwise


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does anyone have these fish? i know some people have the yellow ones. i hear they like branching corals, would this include smth like a hammer? my husband really wants a true perc and hammer. i don't think a perc would be happy in my 12g cube besides i like the yellow stripe maroons better :) (way to big for a cube) so activity and personality wise is there any comparing a clown goby and a clown fish? i also would like to include a red head and or green banded goby and maybe some sexy shrimp. i'm thinking a perc would eat the sexy shrimp. hope this isn't confusing! it'll be a while before i purchase any fish, no rush. please let me know all your experience and comments on this, i haven't found much info on green clown gobies. any pictures would be great too! TIA!



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that was the only place i found info on the green clown and it seemed a bit vauge. my lfs has one in a display tank that hangs out in a leather all the time, but they couldn't really tell me anything about them.

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I have a blue and a yellow with a false percula and they all get along swimmingly (pardon the pun). They do like branching coral, they rest on their fins on many objects...heaters, leather corals, rocks, aquarium walls, etc. Neat creatures.

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but, i guess my real question was, is a clown goby a good or adequate substitute for a clown fish. the clown fish are just a bit too needy for me i guess ( i had two before and they drove me nuts, the marine equvilant of a golden retriever :P ) my husband just thinks it's so cute the way they like to 'cuddle'. anyways, thanks for the info!

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